Monday, June 6, 2011

Cimitero Monumentale

Just a quick aside on a neat yet eerie destination. In Milan, there's a large cemetery at the northwestern part of the city. Getting there is a bit humorous. Once I got off the nearby train station, I noticed that a lot of people were speaking Chinese! It seems I had stumbled across the Chinese part of town. Walking there I could see Chinese stores selling all sorts of goods. It was fun to see all these people. It pretty much emphasized the fact too that Milan has a strong international community.

Here's the cemetery!

Heading into the cemetery was chilling. For a while, I was quite alone in the whole place. Aside from the gatekeeper, I was by myself beside towering monuments to the dead. Creepiness aside, these monuments are quite impressive. From little busts of passed loved ones to life size statues.

This towers in the middle of the cemetery

It's a full range too, from religious statues of angels and the risen Christ, up to the most mundane of workers digging. There are statues of weeping men and women, some of youth in jovial poses. Some monuments are even quite modern. It truly depends on the fancy of the family.

All sorts of statues to see

I wonder what his story is...

Out here and exposed to all the elements, they cannot be well kept at all. Nonetheless, it's still a grand expression of their love for their departed.

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