Thursday, June 16, 2011

Away Days in Assisi

This way to Assisi!

My last stop before the great city of Rome is the humble town of Assisi. I arrived there after a 2.5 hour train from Florence. From there it's a short bus ride through the fields, and towards my destination. Since it is surrounded by plains, Assisi greets you from afar, jutting out of the landscape. As the bus climbs up you can make out the landmarks of the town already.

The first thing that I notice is the Basilica of St. Francis. It's a large basilica, most impressive for the fact that it is built on the slope of the mountain. It faces west unlike other churches. The basilica attracts numerous pilgrims throughout the year. Despite the fact that there were far less tourists as compared to Florence or Venice, it still had its share of them crowding the streets.

A view of the basilica from the peak
One of the many tourist free streets

In the basilica, art lovers can find the frescoes painted by Giotto, whose works can also be found in Florence and Padua. The illustrations depict the life of St. Francis and draw parallels to the life of Christ. Beneath the altar of the basilica lies the tomb of St. Francis. It's a beautiful place to meditate on what a life of poverty and humility means. No pictures allowed inside of course..

St. Francis basilica much closer now

One thing I was able to treat myself to while I was here is a walk through the countryside. Since Assisi is a rather small place, a fifteen minute walk took me outside the city walls. From there, it's down the hill and through the fields. I imagine many places in Italy can provide this kind of experience. Walking by Assisi specifically helped me understand how St. Francis could develop a deep love for all creation. The surrounding area is a beautiful sight. There are also all sorts of little animals about the place. Whether it's wild fowl or herded sheep, I was able to stop and appreciate all the nature around me.

A perfect view from the fields

It was nice to spend some time in a place and not have to rush through crowds and museums.

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