"I'm by myself."
That thought slowly sank in as I crossed the Spain-France border at Hendaye. There I was all by myself, not being able to speak French or Spanish, well on my way to Lourdes.
Eventually, I would arrive there. That Thursday afternoon though, there was a mist about the city that gave it quite an eerie feel. Most of the establishments seemed to be closed, and with a steady drizzle all around, there was hardly a soul on the streets. When I arrived at my hotel, it was a dimly lit place with thin corridors leading up the stairs. I entered my room and plopped my stuff and myself on the single bed. Everything really worked towards setting a solitary atmosphere for me.
I needed to find a place to charge my gadgets. That should keep me in touch with the world! The only outlet in my whole room though was this...

If you can't make sense of it (like me), that's an outlet 7 feet of the ground. My setup is the tv stand, stacked with 2 blankets so that my phone doesn't dangle above the ground. MacGyver would be (kinda) proud.
I think that's a pretty good start.